Sunday, February 11, 2007


Today wasn't so bad. I had a soccer game at 11am and we tied. I did well in the first half but my asthma medicine crapped on out me, causing me to be short of breath and feel dizzy because of it. Afterwards, I came home and watched movies with my older brother while we had a fire in the fireplace. We watched Jackass 2, My Super Ex-Girlfriend, MIB, and most of Ocean's Eleven until the last 15 minutes. Jackass 2 turned out to be really funny and enjoyable, except for the whole horse pleasure-juice drinking bit, which was wholly rancid and nearly vomit-inducing. The second movie we saw wasn't too bad and had Luke Wilson in it, which is interesting because the end of Jackass 2 had a random bit with him in it. In addition, Blue Streak was also on after that and we watched a few minutes of that...Luke Wilson is everywhere.

My parents also came home from Palm Springs. They brought back fancy flavoured licorice and a couple shirts for my brother and I. I also got this cool dragon decoration thingie and my brother got a triple-flamed lighter.

We also cooked hot dogs in the fireplace. Tasty but too hot because all the heat is reflected toward you.

Now for some thoughts, possibly philosophical but probably not. Independence is a strange thing. When my parents left, I instantly felt independent and better because of it. Knowing that I was responsible to myself and I alone was there (besides my brother if a decidedly urgent situation arose), I felt more like I had control of things. But this was merely perception as not much had really changed from when my parents left. I still went to school and came home. Nothing really changed in my routine, besides the lack of family at home. The only real thing that changed was the lack of human interaction, which was thankfully lessened by my brother's presence today. Now that they are back, the weird feeling is gone and all that remains is a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow. Fun fun for me.

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