Thursday, February 15, 2007


It isn't love because love is really a strong word. But seeing and talking to her is one of the highlights of my day. She is kind, has a sense of humour, and wonderful to talk to. The hopeless part of it is that we have nearly completely different sets of people that we hang out with (besides Shaheer because of FC Imperial). It is also far too late in the game to try to become a part of their group, which may have even been formed since junior high/elementary school. It is one of those pointless infatuations, where it would be difficult to get to know her better out of school and would be pointless to tell her until I actually did get to know her better elsewhere. *sigh* The worst of it is that I do not have my driver's license yet (because of my fucking procrastination [have had learner's for 3.5 years now] and not having a car is a major minus for a boyfriend... yes, just in case you were wondering what I was talking about).
Anyways, I still cannot get over the way she makes me feel she's near me and how I feel sad when she sits elsewhere (because of a cold air vent by her desk).


*I really do wonder if anyone is reading this or will ever read this. And if so, what is the reader thinking? Does it matter? These emotions are after all quite standard, with the internet everywhere cluttered with similar sentiments. But this is of course different for me because they're my feelings.

If you're reading this, leave a message to let me know. Maybe even give me some advice. If you are Dina, well now you know I guess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

loving from afar wont do you any good. you have to do something about it, otherwise, youd just be where you are the first time that you realized that you feel something for her.