Friday, February 9, 2007

Fridays suck

Before you go saying "But Brian, Fridays rock", hear me out. It is certainly the beginning of the weekend but that means every teacher will give you extra work to do over the weekend in addition to the tests the next week and the large projects already due. Also, most of my friends either work on Friday or only want to do something when it is a large group, which would be impossible with many working. This leaves me here alone, typing... I get to do things like shovel the snow and maybe start/procrastinate on homework. I also have the opportunity to catch up on various shows, such as Lost, Naruto, and Bleach, but I would obviously rather be doing something with someone. Maybe I'll work out tonight. That'll make me feel better, maybe.

At least Shaheer and I usually go to the mall after school to pick up food and that provides for some out-of-school interaction. Pathetic? Maybe. All I can hope for on a Friday? Yes. I just pray to God that tomorrow we all do something or I may just go insane...or be merely slightly depressed.

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